JustSpeak’s vision is a society that gives everyone what they need while caring for each other and the planet. We dream of a world where everyone has a roof over their head, food on the table, and time to spend with loved ones. Where we’ve reimagined justice to be about health and not handcuffs and where we’ve closed the last prison - for good
Our Blueprint for a just Aotearoa outlines the funding, policy and legislative changes necessary to; build communities (not prisons), decolonise the justice system and ensure every whānau and community have the resources they need to thrive. Read it HERE.
JustSpeak wouldn't exist without the generous support of our funders past and present. Ngā mihi nui to the following organisations for enabling our mahi:
Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand
Borrin Foundation
Clare Foundation
Creative New Zealand
Foundation North
J R McKenzie
Lion Foundation
Lottery Grants Board
Te Rourou One Aotearoa Foundation
Tindall Foundation
Todd Foundation
Wellington Community Trust
Wilberforce Foundation
Based in Tāmaki Makaurau, Lisa has experience in a wide range of roles in the social service sector including in youth justice and prisoner reintegration, and she is passionate about a restorative approach to justice. She has a Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts conjoint degree, a BA(Hons) in Development Studies, and a Masters in Social Work.
Originally from Ahuriri Napier, she has been involved in a range of campaigning, including local body politics, Government and social justice kaupapa. This experience helps support our whanau by taking lived experiences to those in positions of power.
Originally from Christchurch, Hayley lives in Paeroa with her husband where they are involved in working alongside disadvantaged groups. The couple founded a Trust to support their work of advocacy and bringing healing from trauma throughout Aotearoa. Hayley has a background in finance, HR, admin, and event management.
Originally from Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, Anusha lives in Whitianga and is an experienced communications and fundraising professional. She offers a refreshing mix of strategic thinking, values-based communications and creativity to help for-purpose organisations and social change initiatives grow and thrive.
He uri ahau nō Kāi Tūāhuriri, nō Ngāti Pikiao, nō Ngāti Mahuta, nō Ngāti Maniapoto anō hoki. I am a fourth year student at the University of Canterbury studying towards a Bachelor of Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Māori and Indigenous studies, and minoring in Te Reo Māori.
Management Executive
Public law specialist
10 years experience in the Police, including in Youth Engagement and Supported Resolutions. Now studying Te Reo Māori full time.
Researcher and PhD Candidate in Criminal Justice at the University of Canterbury Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha.
Ngāti Apakura, based in Te Tau Ihu. Project Lead at Wakatū Incorporation, with 10 years experience in the philanthropic sector. Māmā of 5 boys
Lawyer of 6 years, currently working at the Commerce Commission managing prosecutions under the Fair Trading Act.
Registered social worker currently working as a Practice Lead advocating for tamariki, rangatahi and whānau within Care and Protection, Mental Health and Youth Justice.
The voice of reason and the face of criminal justice reform