Youth justice is receiving considerable political and public commentary. This commentary has provoked a broad discussion about what effective justice responses for youth engaging in harm should be. 

Justice Unlocked highlights the experiences and insights of youth justice workers from three community organisations that focus on evidence-based prevention and restoration and address the underlying causes of young people coming into conflict with the law/or the underlying causes of harm caused by young people.

Interviews were conducted with three community-based organisations; Mana Inc., Genesis Youth Trust and Mana Mentoring to capture stories and recommendations based on their experiences working in the youth justice system.

Young people coming into conflict with the law come from challenging circumstances. Our youth justice system can resource communities to address the underlying issues that lead to them causing harm and to restore relationships through support and social connection. 

By taking a holistic approach to improving the wellbeing of rangatahi, connecting them with their culture and community, and supporting them to heal, these organisations are working towards long-term, transformative change.

Justice Unlocked Poster & Social Media Campaign

Justice Unlocked posters will be displayed in Phantom Billsticker frames from Monday 10th March to Sunday 23rd March 2025 in multiple locations throughout Auckland, Rotorua, Gisborne, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.  The posters proudly feature:

- Kelly Peterson-Teariki, Tuma Whakarae/CEO of Mana Inc

- Turei Marshall, Programme Manager at Genesis Youth Trust
- Lucky Te Koha, Programme Manager at Mana Mentoring

A social media campaign will run alongside on our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn channels. Help us send a clear message to the government to shift their resources to what works by:

- Finding the posters displayed in Phantom Billsticker frames (see below), taking and sharing a pic on your socials with #JusticeUnlocked to help raise awareness. 

- Sharing our social media posts with the #JusticeUnlocked hashtag.

- Engaging with and sharing the resources and research. 

- Tagging organisations in your community that are also using a restorative approach to youth justice.

Advocating for Change

Instead of punishing young people already hurting, we should be doing everything we can to support them. Our Government needs to stop using punitive based responses for young people and instead resource communities to support them to thrive.

The Government is using outdated military style bootcamps which are holding our young people back. A modern youth justice system that delivers effective, evidence based restorative justice approaches is key to reducing harm occurring in communities.

The organisations we’re profiling are demonstrating exactly that - this is where the government needs to shift its resources. 

Learn more about community-based youth justice solutions

- Learn more about and support our featured organisations; Mana Inc., Mana Mentoring, Genesis Youth Trust.

‍- Find and support similar groups in your local/regional community

- Watch Ram Raid Mum's, a TVNZ documentary which also features Mana Inc.

- Read the research report 'How we fail children who offend and what to do about it: A breakdown across the whole system' by Professor Ian Lambie, Dr Jerome Reil, Judge Andrew Becroft and Dr Ruth Allen.

- Read or watch the Children of Prisoners investigative story by journalist Indira Stewart to learn more about the intergenerational impacts caused by a punitive justice system.

- Listen to Kelly Peterson-Teariki on RNZ talk about the origins of Mana Inc.

- Listen to Whakarongo, a podcast by VOYCE which amplifies care-experienced voices.

- Read Te Mahi TIKA mō a Tātou Mokopuna - Doing what's RIGHT for mokopuna, a digital booklet about children's rights and ensuring all mokopuna are heard and have what they need to grow up loved, safe, healthy and happy.

- Watch these case studies from Genesis Youth Trust: Nathaniel's Story,  Mackenzie's Story

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Justice Unlocked was created with funding support from: