MEDIA RELEASE: JustSpeak launches ‘Justice Unlocked’ campaign advocating for community-based youth justice solutions

March 10, 2025

10th March 2025 - A nationwide poster campaign has been launched by JustSpeak today, advocating for the use of effective community-based approaches to youth justice. 

Justice Unlocked highlights the experiences and insights of youth justice workers from three community organisations that use a restorative and wraparound support approach to address the underlying causes of offending; Mana Inc., Genesis Youth Trust and Mana Mentoring

“These community based organisations are using alternative and restorative justice solutions that improve wellbeing for young people and communities in Aotearoa New Zealand, while also reducing the likelihood of causing harm again”, says Lisa Silipa, Executive Director of JustSpeak. “By taking a holistic approach to improving the wellbeing of rangatahi, connecting them with their culture and community, and supporting them to heal, these organisations are working towards long-term, transformative change.” 

Interviews were conducted with each organisation to capture stories and recommendations for what they can see is and isn’t working, including the challenges of resourcing their work. 

“The government is using outdated military style bootcamps which are holding our young people back and aren't supporting them to thrive. A modern youth justice system that delivers effective, evidence-based restorative justice approaches is key to reducing harm occurring in communities. The organisations we’re profiling are demonstrating exactly that - this is where the government needs to shift its resources.”

The poster campaign features youth justice workers; Kelly Peterson-Teariki, Tuma Whakarae/CEO of Mana Inc., Turei Marshall, Programme Manager at Genesis Youth Trust and Lucky Te Koha, Programme Manager at Mana Mentoring, each sharing their views on youth justice, based on their professional and personal experiences. 

Photography by Eliane Morais | Poster Design by Korimako Creative

The Justice Unlocked poster campaign will coincide with a special event in Glen Innes, Auckland on 14th March that will bring together youth justice community organisations, Members of Parliament, and a group of 30 youth justice professionals and philanthropists from California hosted by Impact Justice, a US-based NGO focused on criminal justice reform. The Impact Justice group are travelling to New Zealand specifically to learn more about New Zealand’s restorative approach to youth justice.  

Justice Unlocked posters will be displayed in Phantom Billsticker frames in multiple locations throughout Auckland, Rotorua, Gisborne, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin from Monday 10th March to Sunday 23rd March. A social media campaign will run alongside on JustSpeak's Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn platforms, and people are encouraged to engage with the campaign in a variety of ways - visit the JustSpeak website for full details. 


For all media enquiries, please contact Anusha Bhana on 

Additional Information

Mana Inc. creates and delivers unique wānanga that inspire, enhance and empower others. They deliver workshops that embody whanaungatanga (connectedness), manaakitanga (care and support) and rangatiratanga (leadership), uplifting young people to be the best version of themselves. 

Genesis Youth Trust offers wraparound services for in-need rangatahi (young people) and their whānau to address and heal trauma, uplift, support and action pathways into work. The Trust was founded in 2000, and works closely with NZ Police and Government agencies to deliver ongoing mentorship and family liaison, focused on long-term positive outcomes. 

Mana Mentoring offers personalised mentoring programs for youth, young people and their whanau, aiming to support them in lifestyle choices while overcoming traumas and addictions. They believe in the power of mentoring and the positive impact it can have on a person's life.